On Wednesday, December 7th, Higher Achievement in collaboration with A+ Schools hosted the 2016 Ambassador Town Hall Meeting in City Council Chambers in downtown Pittsburgh thanks to City Councilman Daniel Lavelle. In addition to Councilman Lavelle, our esteemed panelists, who queried the scholars about their opinions, included Assistant Superintendent and Principal of Barack Obama Academy Dr. Wayne Walters, Chief of Staff for Rep. Ed Gainey’s District Office Melvin Hubbard El, and Coordinator of Out-of-School Time for Pittsburgh Public Schools James Doyle. The audience was filled with mentors, parents, and other friends. Much thanks to our panelists and others who supported the opportunity to showcase scholar voice!

Three scholars addressed, “What is the role of suspensions in school discipline practices? Helpful or harmful?” Using research to support their opinions, all three concluded that suspensions were not the best discipline strategies and suggested schools should consider alternatives. Samari , 7th grade Homewood Ambassador, summed it up best, “While necessary in some cases, students who find themselves suspended or expelled are more likely to suffer academically and end up another number in the dropout rates. It is important for everyone to consider and search for alternate methods of discipline for changing student behavior and implement systems that target the root of the behavior problem.”
Two scholars addressed, “What is the role of protest in American society today? Helpful or harmful?” These scholars concluded that protests can be a strong tool if used properly and non-violently.
Check out more photographs in the Ambassador Town Hall 2016 album on our Pittsburgh Facebook page! The album also includes our scholars in action with adult volunteers during the Networking Reception preceding the Town Hall.