Solidarity in Richmond

Binford Achievement Center scholars used their voice to write about a social justice issue that matters to them. During Academy scholars participated in a four week writing exercise, that included different themes each week. The fourth and final week of the assignment the theme was “solidarity”, one of Higher Achievement’s four justice pillars, and the scholars were prompted to write a persuasive letter on an issue of their choice. Some scholars wrote to their school principal, the Richmond Public School board, Mayor Stoney, Richmond Police Department, President Trump, and National Public Radio.   Jayla T., a 7th grader, described her concerns regarding safety;

“I have seen too many killings, kidnappings, and more unnecessary crimes.  Innocent kids and people are being killed for no reason.  It’s very scary for me just walking to the corner store by myself.”

The letters were then mailed to community leaders, from City Hall to the White House!

In response to some of the letters he received, Chief Durham of the Richmond Police Department, spoke to scholars at Binford Achievement Center this week during Summer Academy.  We are proud of our scholars and their ability to share their voice!

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