A Taste of Love Out Loud

On Thursday, March 23rd, 500 members of the Baltimore community will gather at the MICA Brown Center to hear scholar poets from across our Baltimore achievement centers perform moving, hilarious, profound, and contemplative poetry. As a taste of what’s to come, here’s one of the poems that made an impact during last year’s performance, which not only speaks to this scholar’s connection with writing, but also to the importance of self-expression for all youth:

“I Write”

I am a powerful, charismatic person,

and because of that, I write.
I am a person that is there for anybody,

at any time,

so I write.

I am a person

that has energy that flows like a river

and does not stop,

so I write.

I am the person that pushes

without hesitation

and succeeds,

so I write.

I come from a talented family:

my dad raps, my mom sings,

my little brothers and sisters make music,

and I write.

– Khalil, 8th grade scholar

The staff and mentors here in Baltimore are beyond excited to hear scholars perform on the 23rd. Don’t miss this memorable performance – you can get your tickets at https://bit.ly/lovebaltimore today.