Alumni Spotlight: Victor A.

Victor is a recent high school graduate who will be attending Penn State University as one of only two recipients of the Bob and Anne Marshall scholarship exclusively for outstanding Higher Achievement alumni pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree at the College of Liberal Arts at PSU. He’s an alumnus and summer intern at the Ward 1 Achievement Center. He’s a hardworking and bright student that exemplifies all that we hope our scholars will be. To learn more about his journey, read more!

Why did you join Higher Achievement? 

Victor: My mother took me to an interview for a program that she told me would help me maintain my high grades, enjoy learning, and make new friends outside of school and other activities.

How did Higher Achievement make a difference in your life?

Victor: Higher Achievement taught me how to be the best that I could be in all areas of life. The lessons that I learned helped to shape me into a gentleman. Higher Achievement was instrumental to my acceptance into Banneker High School. They supported my application to Penn State both with guidance and financial assistance.

What is your favorite memory of Higher Achievement?

Victor: Visiting a college campus in 5th grade was eye-opening. Being able to go through the routine of a college student put so many things into perspective. I finally knew what my mom meant when she said “college.” It motivated me to pursue higher education.

Tell us about your favorite staff member.

Ms. Ayana was a staff member when I was in 7th grade. We have a close relationship because she knew when I needed someone to talk to. I’ve always been able to tell her everything.

Who is your role model?

Victor: My mother because she’s showed me that the sky is the limit. Seeing her go to work every day my whole life and come home tired pushes me to be successful in my career to give her and my family everything they deserve.

How do you feel Higher Achievement shape the person you are today?

Victor: Higher Achievement taught me how to excel in all areas of life. The lessons that I learned shaped me into a gentleman. They were also instrumental in the high school application process and my acceptance into Penn State.

What do you do in your free time?

Victor: I play football and soccer, read books and spend time with family and friends.

What are you up to these days?

Victor: I’ve travelled to Croatia, Canada, France, and Spain with my French and Spanish classes. I continue to intern at Ward 1 during the school year and summer.

In what ways do you contribute to your community?

Victor: I give back to my community by interning at Ward 1 and connecting with the children from the neighborhood. I also participate in my church and help feed the homeless.

What is your biggest life accomplishment to date?


Receiving a full-scholarship to attend Penn State University at University Park. Higher Achievement nominated me for the Bob and Anne Marshall scholarship, which goes to Higher Achievement alumni. A special shout out to Michelle Smith who was so helpful during my application process.

Keep up with our DC scholars and alumni by following us at Higher Achievement DC on Facebook @HigherAchievement.DCMetro.