Alumni Spotlight: Alonzo T.

Alonzo is an alumnus of the Ward 4 Achievement Center in Washington, DC. He is also a rising sophomore at a local Jesuit secondary school, DeMatha Catholic High School. Alonzo prides himself on being unique and using his voice to speak up about important issues. He credits Higher Achievement with helping him “get a step ahead and to never be behind”. To find out more about Alonzo, read on…

How did you first become involved in HigherAchievement?

Alonzo: My mother was a part of Higher Achievement as a child, and she thought it would be a great program for me, so she signed me up.

Why did you want to become involved in HigherAchievement?

Alonzo: My mother told me there would be field trips every Friday and fun activities, and they would teach me things in a fun way.

How did Higher Achievement make a difference in your life?

Alonzo: It helped me get prepared for school. They helped me get into the school that I wanted to get into. They opened my mind to more schools.

What is your favorite memory of HigherAchievement?

Alonzo: That’s a hard one. The college trip was my favorite. I loved having fun in the dorms. We went out and learned about the law and business schools. They were trying to get us to see what we wanted to major in for college. We lived the college experience for a couple of days.

Tell us about your favorite mentor.

Alonzo: My favorite mentor was Mr. Mike. He let us play basketball after the day was done. He made the lessons fun. He had a lot of energy and a positive attitude.

How do you feel HigherAchievementhelped create the person you are today?

Alonzo: Not only did they help me get into the school that I’m in now, Higher Achievement instilled in me grit and positivity, and the idea that you need to step up, to be louder, and to use your voice.

What are you up to these days?

Alonzo: I study a lot for quizzes. I have a huge 7 page research paper due soon. I play percussions in the school band. I play the bongos, symbol, and bells – all of it.

What is one word your friends would use to describe you?

Alonzo: Different. I like to wear different things. I don’t like being like other people. I like to march to the beat of my own drum.

Who is your role model and why?   

Alonzo: My role model would be my mom. She works very hard paying tuition and taking care of me. She’s fun at the same time.

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